søndag 25. mars 2018

Concerning the recent happening at Deichman

This week, on March 22nd, Deichman Library in Oslo hosted a "Classic album" happening. This particular happening coveret "A Long Day's Flight Tomorrow". Facebook event link.
Kåre was absent, but Knut, Anders, Per and Dag were present to reminiscence about old days and answer a Q&A from the audience. The album was played in it's entirety and Per had brought some old Super8 videos from 1998-1999 that were shown.

  • There will a rerelease of the album next year on vinyl, similar to the treatment "Jet Age" got. 
  • A box of unreleased material could prove difficult, as the tapes have been lost in a fire.
  • The new album the boys started recording have been delayed due to "family logistics"
  • There might be some gigs next year.
Photos kindly provided by Daroka.